Sunday, December 29, 2013

What's on my not-to-do list?

I have a lot of to-do lists. I use old notepads and the backs of envelopes. Sometimes I'll find a fresh journal to help me feel like I've made a new start. I've also got an electronic version in my calendar. It's overwhelming, because it always looks like I have a lot to do.

I'm going to make a not-to-do list and then not do these things. Take the pressure off. Maybe I'll do some of them later, but maybe not. Here's the start of my list:

  • Don't repaint the outside of the house with a better color until it really needs new paint.
  • Don't grow all of my own food.
  • Don't groom my dog myself.
  • Don't invite people over who can't handle sitting on an ugly couch.
  • Don't whine about taxes.
  • Don't send Christmas cards.
  • Don't friend people on facebook who wouldn't invite me to dinner.
  • Don't try to fix other people's problems.
  • Don't watch movies adapted from favorite novels (except Lord of the Rings).
  • Don't read bumper stickers.
  • Don't re-watch all three seasons of Downton Abbey before the new season starts.
I feel lighter already.

What's on your not-to-do list?

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